July 2016




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Jul. 5th, 2016


Texts to Archer.

✉ I know I've said it a lot already but I'm gonna say it again.
✉ Thank you.
✉ I think you know what for.


[Text to Steve Rogers]

✉ Happy Birthday.
✉ a day late, but I didn't want to bug you.
✉ Hope you had fun.
✉ I didn't know what to get you, or if it was weird.
✉ so I just got you food.
✉ since you eat.
✉ But then left it at home.

May. 9th, 2016


Text to Steve Rogers

✉ What can I do to convince you to head to a bar with us?
✉ You can bring Bucky and Sam?
✉ We need someone trustworthy to babysit a bunch of SHIELD agents
✉ Who may be drunk off their asses or in varying states of emotional distress
✉ Keep us out of trouble and don't post it to the internet.

May. 4th, 2016


texts to len.
✉️ May the fourth be with you.
✉️ There's a marathon playing at the theater.
✉️ Which is weird when you think of all the Star Wars people here.
✉️ But would you maybe want to go watch it?
✉️ With me, that is?

May. 2nd, 2016


[Text to Frank Castle]
-- Attachment.
-- Guess where?

Apr. 26th, 2016


Texts to James

✉ Hey you...
✉ Let's run away together.

Apr. 14th, 2016


Texts to Archer.

✉ Believe it or not this is actually not just a message to say I miss you.
✉ It has a purpose beyond that.
✉ And I saw you this morning so I don't miss you that much.

Apr. 1st, 2016


Phone Call to Daisy/Skye from AJ.

Skye? Skye? I can't find Daddy. He was making me food, and then he was gone. And I just... He's just gone.

Mar. 27th, 2016


Texts to Archer

✉ Just so you don't worry I've vanished again I'm texting you.
✉ I just ran back to mine to...
✉ Give you some space because I don't want to be that girl.

Feb. 17th, 2016


Text to Archer

✉ What are you doing Sunday?

Sep. 15th, 2015


text message to john kennex.

✉ I had a really lovely time the other night.

Sep. 14th, 2015


A note left on the counter for Sharon: )



✉ I'm sorry this is late.
✉ It didn't work out as I had hoped.
✉ I was hoping to find a picture of your parents on the internet from that show we're on here.
✉ I couldn't.
✉ This was the best I could do.
✉ Happy Birthday.

(Delivered by a tiny robot that sang happy birthday to her was a framed copy of their photo in front of the ruins during their second mission)

Sep. 11th, 2015


Text to Jemma

✉ Happy Birthday to you,
✉ Happy Birthday to you,
✉ Happy Birthday, dear Jemma,
✉ Happy Birthday to you.
✉ How do you want to celebrate your birthday?

Aug. 30th, 2015



✉ Pregnant.
✉ Start stocking up on the ice cream with the peanut butter.


Texts to Bucky Barnes (MCU)

✉ Hey
✉ So how about dinner? You and me
✉ No movies this time
✉ Or laser tag
✉ I have something for you too

Aug. 20th, 2015


Texts to Nick Fury
✉ You're playing laser tag with us.
✉ I may even know what team I want you on.
✉ Team Stark.
✉ Yes. You get both.

(Following texts sent after discussion with Fury)

Texts to Grant Ward
✉ So I did it.
✉ I even assigned him a team.
✉ Still in charge.

Texts to Tony Stark
✉ So. laser tag. You're in because you replied to the post.
✉ Team assignment: You. Fury. Stark classic. Rogers.
✉ Play nice.

Texts to Howard Stark
✉ You're playing laser tag with us.
✉ Team assignment: You. Fury. New Stark. Rogers.

Texts to Steve Rogers
✉ Remember when you asked who handed out team assignments?
✉ That would be me.
✉ Team assignment. You. Stark classic. Fury. New Stark.
✉ I'll make sure Barnes gets a good team.

Aug. 17th, 2015


[Text to Bruce]
-- So hey.
-- That first date didn't go as badly as you thought, right?
-- How 'bout date 1.5 takes place with Dad.
-- I could use the moral support.
-- And then actually go out somewhere after?
-- Real second date.

Aug. 12th, 2015



-- Do you think I'm too young to retire?
-- Failing that what if I just quit?
-- I could work at the Hanged Man.
-- Or just stay home and hang out with Lily and Henry.
-- Ignore this.
-- I'm just tired.
-- The heat is making people a little nutty.

Jul. 16th, 2015


Texts to Kitty Pride (film)

✉ Kätzchen...
✉ I either need a drink or schnitzel.
✉ Are you up for helping me acquiring either of these items?
✉ Or both?


Texts to Steve Rogers (mcu)

✉ I'm in a masochistic mood today.
✉ Figured you'd have more background for me.
✉ Put things into perspective.
✉ I want to watch the movie.
✉ I want to know what I was like.
✉ You can say no but...
✉ Please?

Jul. 14th, 2015


Texts to Adam

- I don't know if you saw my network post or not but Dean is gone.
- Sorry about the mess in the apartment, I'll pick up the empty bottles as soon as them clanking together stops making my head explode.
- where are you anyway? The hospital?
- bring home some advil or something?

Jul. 12th, 2015


Texts to May Parker

✉ Is your dad acting weird too?
✉ Maybe I should've said hi first
✉ Hi. How are you?
✉ Is your dad acting weird too?


text to francis.
✉ Aren't you dating May?
✉ Because I thought you were dating May.
✉ After you dated that werewolf boy.
✉ Are you not dating May?

Jul. 4th, 2015


left for steve (616) )

Jun. 22nd, 2015


Delivered mid-day, on Father's day, via the costume and a knock on Dad's window )

Jun. 21st, 2015


left for phil coulson )

Jun. 7th, 2015



✉ So I was thinking.
✉ About the wedding thing.
✉ With Steve and Carol here.
✉ What about the Fourth of July?
✉ We need to do it before I won't fit into my dress.

Jun. 3rd, 2015


[Text Message(s) to Bruce Banner-MCU]

✉ Hey, you.

✉ Yeah. You.

✉ You busy?

✉ Naw, you're not busy. Right?

✉ Right.

✉ Thursday. 6:00 PM. Need moral support.

✉ Insert word that starts with a p here.

May. 27th, 2015


text to iris.
✉ Hey.
✉ So...we've both been here a while.
✉ I mean, obviously we've both been here a while.
✉ I don't know why I said that.
✉ Sorry. I'm getting off topic.
✉ Anyway, I wanted to ask you something.
✉ So, here it goes.
✉ Would you maybe want to go out?
✉ On a date?
✉ I mean, obviously I meant a date.
✉ I just figure why not just put it right out there.
✉ If you don't want to, I completely understand.
✉ I just figured maybe this was a better way to go about it.
✉ So, what do you think?

May. 23rd, 2015


Texts to Sam )


Texts to Dean )

May. 21st, 2015


Texts to Dean Winchester )
Texts to Liv Moore )
Text to Gretel )
Later text to Dean )

May. 20th, 2015


So, totally unexpected trip to the future....yay?

May. 18th, 2015


Text to Sam

Guess who the magic portal thing decided to kidnap today.

My brother!

May. 17th, 2015


(Phone call to Matt Murdock 616)

Ring, ring.


texts to liv moore

✉ I asked my brother's little not-girlfriend out.
✉ And...I watched our show.
✉ I'm not sure how to come away with it...*not* threatening Sam Winchester.
✉ He might die tonight.
✉ I feel the extreme need to rip off his face and feed it to him.
✉ Please don't let me do something stupid.


text to natasha [mcu]

✉ All right, I know I'm not really supposed to drink while I'm breastfeeding
✉ but if I time it right after a feeding I think I can have ONE
✉ Please say you don't have plans tonight and can humor the sad married lady.


text to gretel

✉ Hey.
✉ Go out with me.
✉ I'll buy you drinks.
✉ Show you how to play pool (it's a game).
✉ It'll be fun.

May. 13th, 2015


Texts to Grant Ward

✉ This might be a stupid question.
✉ I'm not even sure you'll want to talk.
✉ How are you?

Texts to Jemma Simmons

✉ Are you okay?
✉ Please tell me you didn't watch it.

Text to Skye

✉ How are you holding up?


texts to canton everett delaware iii
✉ So...
✉ I guess we should probably talk.
✉ We both knew this might happen one day

text to nick fury
✉ So...
✉ I told Laura.

text to natasha romanoff
✉ So...
✉ Aren't we a pair?


Text Message to Jemma Simmons.

aos finale spoilers )

May. 3rd, 2015


text to liv moore

[ backdated before sam's birthday thread ]

✉ I got bullied into going to my brother's b-day party.
✉ By Gretel from that Hansel & Gretel story.
✉ You're my date. I'm dragging you out of the morgue.
✉ Even if I have to throw you over my shoulder.

May. 2nd, 2015


texts to canton, nat, ward and bucky; spoilers for aou

spoilers for aou )

Apr. 29th, 2015


Texts to Gwen Stacy

✉ So Natalia invited me to go see the new Avengers movie.
✉ Want to come with?
✉ It has the potential to be either awesome or terrible.
✉ And you can watch me use my spider powers to carry everyone's popcorn.


[Text to River Tam]

✉ Did you know kittens came in poisonous?
✉ Do you want to see one?
✉ Rhys is going to help someone with a magic anger mark.
✉ He has one. He said I could bring you. If you want.

Apr. 22nd, 2015


[Text to Bucky Barnes (616)]
✉ What are you doing?

Apr. 17th, 2015


Series of drunk texts to Dean Winchester

✉ Know what the worst thing about you is? You're so fucking self righteous, and you think you're always right about everything even though we both know I'm smartererv n you.
✉ oh and your hair is too pointy
✉ Why couldnt you justrust me like I'm sposedb able to trust you?
✉ you should've left me in cold oak then no one would have gone to hell or sold their soul because of me
✉ one of the dwarves is looking at me
✉ Dean! I three up on his sjoe.

Sent at about midnight 16/4/15

Apr. 16th, 2015


[ text messages to jo harvelle ]

✉ So hi.
✉ Sam found out about the show 'Supernatural' after I tried to threaten people into not telling him.
✉ He's not talking to me.
✉ I'm going to the high school to fight a teenage girl.
✉ Since there's things I need to catch you up with. Like I was a demon.
✉ Still kind of think I am.
✉ The holy water test Sam gave me sort of burned.

[ text message to faith lehane ]

✉ Pretty sure my brother is getting drunk at The Hanged Man.
✉ And I know he doesn't want to see me.
✉ Can you do me a solid and make sure he doesn't kill his liver...
✉ Or anyone else?
✉ Or himself, that's also a concern.

Mar. 11th, 2015


[Text Messages to Jasper Sitwell (616)]
✉ Confirmed, unable to leave the town limits by any currently available means, including water.
✉ So, movie marathon today?
✉ I vote your place.
✉ I may have picked up a gift for you.

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